空巢青年 empty-nest youths
分时计价 time-of-use pricing
超售 overbooking
Bai Baihe caught rendezvous with a mysterious man
空巢青年 empty-nest youths
China has over 20m empty-nest youths aged 20 to 39, and most of them live in major cities, according to a recent survey.
?近来,空巢青年(empty-nest youths)引起了广泛的社会关注(arouse widespread public attention)。所谓空巢青年是指那些主动选择独居并且单身的年轻人(single young people who choose to live alone)。滴滴快车金额计算他们背井离乡(be away from their hometown),独自一人在大都市(metropolis)打拼,大都有一份收入尚可的工作(have a well-paid job)。国家统计局数据显示,2015年全国一人户家庭占比为12.45%(12.45% of households nationwide were inhabited by one person in 2015),而在2000年,这一比例仅为8.3%。在这些独居人口(solitary residents)中,空巢青年的占比越来越高。据报道,北上广深已成为空巢青年的最大聚集地(be home to the biggest number of empty-nest youths)。
?空巢青年较同龄普通青年感觉更孤独(feel lonelier than their peers),其个人生活大多局限在出租房屋内(their personal lives are largely confined to their rented apartments)。为节省租金,滴滴快车金额计算他们租住的地方往往离工作地点较远,通常要花几小时通勤(spend hours commuting)。理财方面,空巢青年更倾向于"月光(use up the entire salary before the end of the month)"和提前消费,有21%的空巢青年有"月光"现象或轻度负债(slightly in debt),滴滴快车金额计算他们更愿意在更好的食物、高档服饰和数码产品上花钱(be more inclined to spend money on better food, high-quality clothes and digital products)。
月光族moonlight clan
空巢老人empty nester
想家get homesick
啃老族NEET (not in employment, education, or training) group, people who are financially dependent upon their parents
分时计价 time-of-use pricing
Taiwan has outlawed the consumption of dog and cat meat, as the island's legislature on Tuesday passed a landmark amendment to its animal protection laws.
"Previously, the Animal Protection Act only covered the slaughter and sale of dog and cat meat, but this amendment specifically prohibiting the actual consumption of dog and cat meat today is welcome," said Jill Robinson, founder and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation.
Individuals who eat or trade dog or cat meat can now be fined between $1,640 and $8,200. The amendment also bans "walking" the pet on a leash pulled by cars and motorcycles and raises the penalty for cruelty to animals.
Taiwan has doubled the maximum prison term for animal cruelty to two years and raised the fine up to $65,500 for any act that deliberately harms animals and results in mangled limbs, organ failure or death.
?滴滴出行提供常规的出租车叫车服务(taxi-hailing service),以及顺风车(ride sharing)和快车(fast ride)等服务。此次的分时计价(time-of-use pricing)模式和计费标准调整主要针对快车服务。目前滴滴快车分为"普通型(average)"和"优享型(prime)",计价标准都是以里程费(mileage fee)+时长费(time charge)计算。其中,普通型的计价标准为里程费1.6元/公里,时长费分为三阶价格。闲时(off-peak hours)为0.5元/分钟,6点至10点、17点至20点的早晚高峰时段(morning and evening rush hours)为0.8元/分钟,而21点至零点、零点至6点为最高阶价格1元/分钟。而优享型快车里程费为2.3元/公里,时长费为0.6元/分钟,在夜间21点至早6点加收0.9元/公里的夜间服务费(night-time service charge)。
?同时,为了鼓励较长距离出行(encourage long distance travel),滴滴将快车起步价(initial price)由10元上调为13元,同时,将里程费下调0.2元/公里。当乘客的里程费+时长费总额不足13元时,会直接按照13元收取。
叫车软件car-hailing app
专车服务tailored taxi service
乘用车passenger vehicles
巡游cruise on the street
调度服务站dispatching station
超售 overbooking
热点 | 美国的段子手这样评说美联航 - 全美抵制,这下要玩完!顶尖律师出手,赔额超3000万
热点 | 美联航暴力赶客,华裔男子满脸是血被拖走……这到底是一家怎样的航空公司?
In the disturbing scene filmed by United Airlines passengers on Sunday on an overbooked flight, an Asian doctor who refused to be bumped from a plane screamed as a security officer wrestled him out of his seat and dragged him down the aisle by his arms.
For United and its CEO, Mr. Munoz, the videos have turned into a PR crisis. United drew quick criticism and threat of boycott for its initial response to the Sunday evening incident, with many people calling it tone deaf after Mr. Munoz only apologized for having to “re-accomodate these customers”.
Hit by the imbroglio, United shares dropped 4%, wiping out $1 billion of market value early Tuesday. The company's stock recovered before the close, slipping just over 1% by the end of the day. But the drop still cost the company $250 million of its market value.
?公关危机(public relations crisis)指影响组织生产经营活动的正常进行,对组织的生存、发展构成威胁,从而使组织形象遭受损失的某些突发事件(sudden events),如管理不善(mismanagement)、防范不力(lack of preventive measures)、交通失事等引发的重大伤亡(heavy casualties)事故等。对这些危机事件处理不当,将会对社会组织造成灾害性的后果(disastrous consequence)。
?航班超售(overbooking on flights)的问题一直存在。对于航空公司来说,空座椅就意味着损失,因此他们通过超额售票(overselling)来抵消因乘客误机带来的损失。出现超售情况时,大多数被拒载的乘客会在登机前得到通知(be informed before they board the flight)。这次事件中,美联航在最后关头决定接载四名员工到下一个航点,执意让四名已登机的乘客腾出座位,从而引发了问题。
?虽然航空运输合同中确实允许美联航在航班超售时拒绝已购票的旅客乘机(deny ticketed passengers travel if a flight is overbooked),乘客有权得到现金或搭乘邻近时间落地的航班(flight landing near the same time)作为补偿。但美联航暴力驱客的行径令世人震惊。美联航首席执行官穆尼奥斯在第一份道歉声明中,将事件轻描淡写为对乘客的"重新安置(re-accommodation)",进一步激起了美国乃至全球网民的愤怒。
被强制拒载be involuntarily denied boarding
被暴力拖下飞机be violently dragged off a plane
值机时间check-in time
公关灾难PR disaster
Bai Baihe caught rendezvous with a mysterious man
If you’re familiar with Chinese entertainment, you’ve probably heard of the infamous paparazzi Zhuo Wei. Once again, the guy shook the industry with video evidence of the married actress Bai Baihe with another man in Thailand.
Bai Baihe has been married to her husband Chen Yufan since 2006 and gave birth to their son, Chen Shengtong, in 2008. She shot to fame in 2011 with the drama Love is Not Blind and became a popular choice for female lead roles in dramas and movies.
Here’s a timeline of what went down on Weibo since the news broke:
1. Video evidence was released of Bai Baihe and a mysterious man getting close poolside. 视频显示白百合和神秘男子在泳池边举止亲密。
2. Netizens identified the man in question to be Zhang Aipeng (apparently a model???).网友发现这个神秘男子是张爱朋(显然是个模特???)。
3. Another video has emerged, showing the couple getting touchy on the street.另一个视频随即被曝出,视频显示他们二人当街暧昧。
So far, neither Bai Baihe nor her husband have made any response or announcements, but netizens are speculating that the two are already separated and that their son is currently living with Chen Yufan.
Hopefully the situation will not have too big of an effect on their young child.希望现在这种情况不要对他们的孩子造成太大的影响。
rendezvous n. 约会;约会地点;集结地 vi. 会合;约会 vt. 在指定地点与…相会
paparazzi n. 狗仔队(专门追逐名人偷拍照片的摄影者或记者,paparazzo的复数)
give birth to 生(孩子);造成
shoot to fame 一举成名
female lead role 女主角
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